My name is Luke O'Gorman, I am from Milford, County Donegal. At the time of applying for the trip I was 15 years old and in T.Y at Loreto Community School Milford. Before receiving the opportunity to embark on this incredible journey I was merely a wallflower, I observed others success and sort of just got on with things in general. At the beginning of T.Y I made myself a promise, simply to try... to try to get to know that person or try that thing I always wanted to do. So when it came to my meeting with my T.Y coordinator at the start of the year I decided for once I was going to voice my opinion and see what opportunities it could present.
I am a strong believer in the butterfly effect, where one tiny action can have a colossal reaction, I believe that day when my T.Y coordinator presented me with the opportunity to take part in this project, had one of the largest effects on my life ever. From that day new possibilities sprouted from seemingly nowhere and changed my life for the better, I found myself to be happier and content with life. Fast forward almost a year now and I still hold that same contentment, I'll admit there are days where it fades slightly but when that happens I simply recall the incredible memories this trip gave me, from my "interesting" 16th birthday party held on our last night in Belgium to hilarious ice-breakers with those who accompanied me on the trip, all of which I would become best-friends with very soon.
All I have left to say is thank you, thank you to all of those who made this trip possible and to those who joined me on this journey who made this trip beyond enjoyable, thank you to Gerry Moore for creating this project which gave me the opportunity to pour my whole heart into something I care so dearly for and finally I would like to thank fifteen year old me for deciding to do something that would change me and my life forever...
" I'm going to do what I want to do, I'm going to be who I really am, and I'm going to figure out what that is"
The Perks of Being a Wallflower