About me
I am 17 years of age and I have just finished my first year of A levels at Bangor Academy. I studied for my AS exams; Drama, Government and Politics, English Literature and History!
History is one of my favourite subjects and has been for 6 years of secondary school experience. I have always been inspired by my heritage, as a young Jewish girl in Northern Ireland I have often taken an interest in the treatment of Jewish people in history. My grandfather passed away in Auschwitz concentration camp during the second world war and this has always given me reason to care about the politics of the past and what has happened to people at war.
I believe strongly in the quote, "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." spoken by George Santayana. It is vital to learn about what has happened to generations before us so that a more peaceful world will one day be obtainable.
As a history student this project is extremely exciting and inspiring for me. I have so very much enjoyed learning about William Heron. His life and death, I hope should be forever remembered and honoured. "We will remember them."